Hire Developers; Swap Skillsets On-Demand | Hokantan.com

We believe it’s not about the developers, it’s about how the team is managed.

Success starts with swift, seamless team integration. Our approach to the next-gen hiring is founded on a handful of fundamental convictions.


The future of software development cannot rely solely on in-house teams.

As we move forward, software development will increasingly harness the power of a global talent pool, integrating external expertise with internal teams for greater diversity of skills, broader perspectives, and faster, more innovative solutions.


The traditional software talent hiring process is flawed.

Traditional approaches to software talent acquisition often fall short, being time-consuming, inefficient, and limited in scope. They struggle to adapt to the fast-paced, evolving landscape of the tech industry, often hindering progress rather than facilitating it.


Rapid product launches require rapid team formations.

In the technology sector, where innovation happens at lightning speed, it's imperative that new product ideas are turned into reality swiftly. Rapid team formations and kickstarts are therefore crucial to meet these tight timelines, ensuring that businesses stay competitive and responsive to market trends.

Our Values



Rapid kickstart



Smooth Process



Exceptional quality

Our Team

Shane Wen
CEO / Co-Founder
CJ Voon
CTO / Co-Founder
Crystal Lam
Project Manager
Fikri Fansuri
Frontend Developer
Kai Sheng
Frontend Developer
Iris Yan
Frontend Developer
Aiden Ooi
Head of Marketing Operations
Azman Osman
QA Engineer
Fahd Saeed
Backend Developer
Ryan Phillips
Solution Architect

Our Expertise

Your developers with no limits


Become a part of Hokantan

OPEN THE DOOR TO MORE: clients you’ll fall in love with, projects that will
be your pride, wealth born from liberty…

Grow your business and develop products on automation.

Free yourself from the demands of hiring and
overseeing your tech team.

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